Features of Hospital Management software


    chnology is rapidly changing day by day and there is a need of time to move with the technology. Healthcare or hospital management system is essential to manage or upgrade with the latest technology. Health is the priority of any nation at the global level, therefore, it is necessary to have a system that manages or improve the healthcare system. SolutionDots Systems has developed a solution in the form of Hospital Management System. In Hospital Management System developed by SolutionDots Systems has transformed all administrative and clinical operation of healthcare department. Features of Hospital Management System developed by SolutionDots Systems Hospital Management System developed by SolutionDots Systems is designed in the user-friendly interface by understanding the current challenges of the healthcare industry and keeps it healthy. It offers different services of management such as a patient, the appointment of the patient, doctor’s record, fee management etc.





  • Unlimited User
  • User Friendly
  • Access from anywhere
  • Unlimited PC access
  • Unlimited Employee Access
  • Individual access & user panel
  • Low cost & best support




  • Sales Report: You will get day, month & year wise sales report with stock, vat and profit information.
  • Categories Report: You can check how much product are in your stock in category wise.
  • Customers Report: You can check which customers take how much product with price by date wise.
  • Suppliers Report: You can see the supplier list & their products here.
  • Items Report: You can see the stock report and sales report here date wise.
  • Employees Report: You can check which employee sale how much & deal with which customers.
  • Taxes Report: You can see all tax report here.
  • Discounts Report: You can see how much discount you provide to your clients and total summery report.
  • Payments Report: You can see all payment details date wise.
  • Low Inventory Report: If your product is in a re-order level then this option show you the current status.
  • Inventory Summary Report: Full inventory report is here date wise.



Development Tools:

  • Language: PHP
  • Database: MySQL
  • Framework: CI



Price with 6 month free support:


Package Price(One Time) Monthly Service Charge (After 6 month)
Hospital 50,000/= 3000 Taka




Payment Procedure:


      • 50 Percent advance payment for Restaurant Management software
      • 50 Percent due payment within 3 days after complete the full project.
      • Client must provide all content with work order.
      • Payment will goes to “BDSOFT IT SOLUTIONS” account pay cheque.