Trust your website with a company that now hosts over 6500 domains on its network. BDSOFT IT SOLUTIONS owns and operates its own private data center with a 24/7/365 Support Team that is there to help you at any and every time. Business hosting is meant for clients that are seeking single or multiple domain hosting under one business hosting plan and one control panel. Essentially, our fully managed business web hosting platform means that we are there to help if there are ever any issues with your hosting experience. Whether you call, email or tweet us, or chat with us through our Live Chat, we are always there and always happy to help you with anything you may need.


Hosting Space

Server 2 (Shared Server) Price per year

500 MB

1500 Taka / Year or $20/year

1 GB

2500 Taka / Year or $35/year

2 GB

5000 Taka / Year or $65/year

3 GB

7500 Taka / Year or $100/year

5 GB

10000 Taka / Year or $130/year

10 GB

15000 Taka / Year or $200/year


40000 Taka / Year or $500/year



Web Hosting Features


  • Flexible, Easy to Use Control Panel
  • 10 Times Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Sub Domains, FTP Accounts, and Email Accounts
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee



cPanel Control Panel


  • Latest cPanel Control Panel
  • Website Statistics: AWStats, Webalizer, Raw Log Manager, Referrer and Error Logs
  • Instant Shopping Carts, Blogs, Portals, Forums, Counters, and Formmail
  • Password Protected Directories and Custom Error Pages
  • Web Based File Manager, Hotlink Protection, IP Deny Manager, Redirect URL



Email Features


  • Unlimited POP3 Email Accounts with SMTP
  • WebMail Access: Horde, SquirrelMail, RoundCube
  • Receive your email to your phone via IMAP Support
  • Prevent spam with SpamAssassin
  • Unlimited Autoresponders, Mail Forwards, Email Aliases, 25 Mailing Lists



Application Hosting


  • Instantly install over 75 open-source scripts with just a click!
  • WordPress Hosting – Host your very own WordPress blog
  • Joomla Hosting & Drupal Hosting – Professional CMS Solutions
  • Magento Hosting – Free E-commerce platform for your own store
  • Wiki Hosting – Start a Wiki web site with MediaWiki



Programming & Databases


  • Unlimited MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin Access
  • Programming Language: CGI, Fast CGI, PHP 5, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python, SSL
  • Programming Modules: Curl, CPAN, GD Library, ImageMagick
  • System Management: SSH Access and Cron Job Scheduling
  • FrontPage Extension



Award-Winning Support


  • 24/7/365 Premium Support via Phone, Live Chat, and Ticket System (Email)
  • Automatic Weekly Off-Site Data Backups
  • 24/7/365 Server Monitoring
  • Online Support Portal with over 500+ Video Tutorials and 680+ Help Articles